Evaluations are a fundamental part of Toastmasters. We learn and improve by giving and receiving good evaluations.
We use the CRCS method at Toastmasters. This acronym stands for Commend – Recommend – Commend – Summary. In a verbal evaluation, the evaluator begins with what they did well, makes a few suggestions for improvement, and then concludes their evaluation with what they did very well, followed by a summary.
Pathways projects include either one or two speeches that needs to be delivered to complete the project.
Following are the evaluation forms for all the Pathways projects. They are PDFs. In most cases, they contain editable fields. This means the evaluator can type the evaluation directly onto the form if they wish, and email it to the speaker.
Alternatively, you can click on the link, download the form to your computer and print it. (note: login may be required)