Pathways Resources


Getting started with Pathways – 3 Easy Steps :

  1. Members Log on to Toastmaster International Site
  2. Go to Navigator , Take Assessment and Choose your path
  3. Go to learning Base Camp  (note: login required – takes up to 60 minutes for newly selected paths to show in base camp)

Note: if Basecamp doesn’t load, you may need to disable pop up blockers
Click Here for view Video instruction to remove pop up blocker.


Complete Overview of Pathways can be found here :

LEVEL 1  Mastering Fundamentals  

Project 1: Ice Breaker

Project 2: Evaluation and Feedback

Project 3: Researching and Presenting

Pathways Catalogue


Visual Guides to Pathways Levels-created by Mark Snow, DTM


District Pathways presentation – General Session